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Story Trainee - Summer 2021 Portfolio
Personal Boards

Senior Thesis Film

Watch the film:

Richard Style Guide
I made an animated example of one of the characters to show the team how each of us draws him slightly differently and give everyone a guideline for how to draw him so we could unify our styles.

Madhu 2D Turnaround
2D Turnarounds of Flap characters. My teammate Shannon Parayil and I worked on these as part of preproduction in order to get a better idea of our character's forms. It was also a great way to test how our designs might work at any angle. I key animated the poses and did the color/effects.

Richard 2D Turnaround
2D Turnarounds of Flap characters. My teammate Shannon Parayil and I worked on these as part of preproduction in order to get a better idea of our character's forms. It was also a great way to test how our designs might work at any angle. I key animated the poses and did the color/effects.

Harper 2D Turnaround
2D Turnarounds of Flap characters. My teammate Shannon Parayil and I worked on these as part of preproduction in order to get a better idea of our character's forms. It was also a great way to test how our designs might work at any angle. I key animated the poses and did the color/effects.

Car 3D Model
I 3D modeled the car from our film in order to help guide the layout and board artists. The layout artist used this model to double check perspective and push camera angles to enhance the story.

Chair 3D Model
Here is the chair, pulled out from the scene. I 3D modeled the car from our film in order to help guide the layout and board artists. The layout artist used these models to double check perspective and push camera angles to enhance the story.

Thank you!
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